- Materials provided at no charge in braille, large print and audio.
- Subscription services include monthly readings, prayers and responses for the Sunday Mass and selected Feast Days and Solemnities, as well as periodicals Catholic Review and Xavier Review.
- Faith formation textbooks and workbooks for children and adults in braille.
- Over 1,400 titles related to the Catholic Church, religion, spiritual and inspirational themes in braille and audio.
"The Braille versions of religious materials have allowed [Nancy Provost] to participate more fully in the life of the church...That includes transcribing religious education materials so that she could work with a sighted student who needed extra help to prepare for First Communion at Our Lady of the Snows Parish.'He had the printed version and I had the Braille version, and we were able to work together that way,' she said." (Michelle Martini, Chicago Catholic 2019)