The National Catholic Partnership on Disability (NCPD) affirms its mission to reach out to our brothers and sisters from the Hispanic community with disabilities, and their families, and ministry leaders providing resources to encounter Christ through the sacraments.
NCPD is pleased to announce that the Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities is available in Spanish. This USCCB document was initially published in 1995, in English. Revised in 2017, it was printed in English and published digitally in Spanish. Today, thanks to a generous grant from the OSV Institute, print copies are now available in Spanish.
Copies are available from NCPD in quantities of 10; maximum 100. There is no charge for the Guidelines; only shipping and handling costs requested.
Contact Esther Garcia, NCPD's Director of Outreach and Diocesan Relations, at egarcia@ncpd.org, for more information or assistance.